Robert Sanger Sworn In As President of California Attorneys for Criminal Justice
Robert M. Sanger, partner at Sanger Swysen & Dunkle, was sworn in as the president of California Attorneys for Criminal Justice (CACJ) on December 14, 2012 at the Annual Fall Criminal Defense Seminar in San Francisco. CACJ is the country's largest statewide organization of criminal defense lawyers and allied professionals. The specific purposes of CACJ are: (1) to defend the rights of persons as guaranteed by the United States Constitution, the Constitution of the State of California and other applicable law; (2) to preserve due process and equal protection of the law for the benefit of all persons; (3) to enhance the ability of its members to discharge their professional responsibilities through educational programs, publications and mutual assistance; and (4) to protect and foster the independence of the criminal defense lawyer and to improve the quality of the administration of criminal law. Mr. Sanger has served on the Board of Governor’s since 2006.