Sarah S. Sanger

Senior Appeals and Writs Attorney
Sarah Sanger is a Senior Appeals and Writs Attorney with the firm working on criminal defense matters in both the state and federal courts primarily involving capital cases.
Ms. Sanger graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California, Santa Barbara with a degree in Philosophy. She attended the University of California, Berkeley School of Law where she did graduate work in philosophy while obtaining her law degree. Ms. Sanger clerked for the Office of the State Public Defender in Oakland, working on capital murder cases and worked for the Los Angeles Public Defender’s Office in their Van Nuys and Burbank branches.
Ms. Sanger is the Chair of the Board of Death Penalty Focus and is a member of the committee which edits and publishes the Forum Magazine for California Attorneys for Criminal Justice. She is fluent in conversational Spanish and French. She reads Arabic and Ancient Greek.